OpenSSL configuration example for CentOS Linux 7

Get the default configuration file for OpenSSL, optimized for CentOS Linux 7. This example configuration ensures optimal compatibility and performance for OpenSSL, making it easy to set up and adjust to meet your needs.

Find and download the configuration file here: /etc/pki/tls/misc/

For more configurations and setup guides, visit our related files section to further customize your system.

# CA - wrapper around ca to make it easier to use ... basically ca requires
#      some setup stuff to be done before you can use it and this makes
#      things easier between now and when Eric is convinced to fix it :-)
# CA -newca ... will setup the right stuff
# CA -newreq[-nodes] ... will generate a certificate request 
# CA -sign ... will sign the generated request and output 
# At the end of that grab newreq.pem and newcert.pem (one has the key 
# and the other the certificate) and cat them together and that is what
# you want/need ... I'll make even this a little cleaner later.
# 12-Jan-96 tjh    Added more things ... including CA -signcert which
#                  converts a certificate to a request and then signs it.
# 10-Jan-96 eay    Fixed a few more bugs and added the SSLEAY_CONFIG
#		   environment variable so this can be driven from
#		   a script.
# 25-Jul-96 eay    Cleaned up filenames some more.
# 11-Jun-96 eay    Fixed a few filename missmatches.
# 03-May-96 eay    Modified to use 'ssleay cmd' instead of 'cmd'.
# 18-Apr-96 tjh    Original hacking
# Tim Hudson

# 27-Apr-98 snh    Translation into perl, fix existing CA bug.
# Steve Henson

# default openssl.cnf file has setup as per the following
# demoCA ... where everything is stored

my $openssl;
if(defined $ENV{OPENSSL}) {
	$openssl = $ENV{OPENSSL};
} else {
	$openssl = "openssl";
	$ENV{OPENSSL} = $openssl;

$DAYS="-days 365";	# 1 year
$CADAYS="-days 1095";	# 3 years
$REQ="$openssl req $SSLEAY_CONFIG";
$CA="$openssl ca $SSLEAY_CONFIG";
$VERIFY="$openssl verify";
$X509="$openssl x509";
$PKCS12="$openssl pkcs12";


$DIRMODE = 0777;

$RET = 0;

foreach (@ARGV) {
	if ( /^(-\?|-h|-help)$/ ) {
	    print STDERR "usage: CA -newcert|-newreq|-newreq-nodes|-newca|-sign|-signcert|-verify\n";
	    exit 0;
	} elsif (/^-newcert$/) {
	    # create a certificate
	    system ("$REQ -new -x509 -keyout newkey.pem -out newcert.pem $DAYS");
	    print "Certificate is in newcert.pem, private key is in newkey.pem\n"
	} elsif (/^-newreq$/) {
	    # create a certificate request
	    system ("$REQ -new -keyout newkey.pem -out newreq.pem $DAYS");
	    print "Request is in newreq.pem, private key is in newkey.pem\n";
	} elsif (/^-newreq-nodes$/) {
	    # create a certificate request
	    system ("$REQ -new -nodes -keyout newkey.pem -out newreq.pem $DAYS");
	    print "Request is in newreq.pem, private key is in newkey.pem\n";
	} elsif (/^-newca$/) {
		# if explicitly asked for or it doesn't exist then setup the
		# directory structure that Eric likes to manage things 
	    if ( "$NEW" || ! -f "${CATOP}/serial" ) {
		# create the directory hierarchy
		mkdir $CATOP, $DIRMODE;
		mkdir "${CATOP}/certs", $DIRMODE;
		mkdir "${CATOP}/crl", $DIRMODE ;
		mkdir "${CATOP}/newcerts", $DIRMODE;
		mkdir "${CATOP}/private", $DIRMODE;
		open OUT, ">${CATOP}/index.txt";
		close OUT;
		open OUT, ">${CATOP}/crlnumber";
		print OUT "01\n";
		close OUT;
	    if ( ! -f "${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY" ) {
		print "CA certificate filename (or enter to create)\n";
		$FILE = <STDIN>;

		chop $FILE;

		# ask user for existing CA certificate
		if ($FILE) {
		    cp_pem($FILE,"${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY", "PRIVATE");
		    cp_pem($FILE,"${CATOP}/$CACERT", "CERTIFICATE");
		} else {
		    print "Making CA certificate ...\n";
		    system ("$REQ -new -keyout " .
			"${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY -out ${CATOP}/$CAREQ");
		    system ("$CA -create_serial " .
			"-out ${CATOP}/$CACERT $CADAYS -batch " . 
			"-keyfile ${CATOP}/private/$CAKEY -selfsign " .
			"-extensions v3_ca " .
			"-infiles ${CATOP}/$CAREQ ");
	} elsif (/^-pkcs12$/) {
	    my $cname = $ARGV[1];
	    $cname = "My Certificate" unless defined $cname;
	    system ("$PKCS12 -in newcert.pem -inkey newkey.pem " .
			"-certfile ${CATOP}/$CACERT -out newcert.p12 " .
			"-export -name \"$cname\"");
	    print "PKCS #12 file is in newcert.p12\n";
	    exit $RET;
	} elsif (/^-xsign$/) {
	    system ("$CA -policy policy_anything -infiles newreq.pem");
	} elsif (/^(-sign|-signreq)$/) {
	    system ("$CA -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem " .
							"-infiles newreq.pem");
	    print "Signed certificate is in newcert.pem\n";
	} elsif (/^(-signCA)$/) {
	    system ("$CA -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem " .
					"-extensions v3_ca -infiles newreq.pem");
	    print "Signed CA certificate is in newcert.pem\n";
	} elsif (/^-signcert$/) {
	    system ("$X509 -x509toreq -in newreq.pem -signkey newreq.pem " .
								"-out tmp.pem");
	    system ("$CA -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem " .
							"-infiles tmp.pem");
	    $RET = $?;
	    print "Signed certificate is in newcert.pem\n";
	} elsif (/^-verify$/) {
	    if (shift) {
		foreach $j (@ARGV) {
		    system ("$VERIFY -CAfile $CATOP/$CACERT $j");
		    $RET=$? if ($? != 0);
		exit $RET;
	    } else {
		    system ("$VERIFY -CAfile $CATOP/$CACERT newcert.pem");
	    	    exit 0;
	} else {
	    print STDERR "Unknown arg $_\n";
	    print STDERR "usage: CA -newcert|-newreq|-newreq-nodes|-newca|-sign|-verify\n";
	    exit 1;

exit $RET;

sub cp_pem {
my ($infile, $outfile, $bound) = @_;
open IN, $infile;
open OUT, ">$outfile";
my $flag = 0;
while (<IN>) {
	$flag = 1 if (/^-----BEGIN.*$bound/) ;
	print OUT $_ if ($flag);
	if (/^-----END.*$bound/) {
		close IN;
		close OUT;


Config Details

Operating system
CentOS Linux 7
188 lines
MD5 checksum


Download the raw file with wget or curl


wget -O


curl >