Get the default configuration file mysql-server-5_5 for MySQL, optimized for Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie). This example configuration ensures optimal compatibility and performance for MySQL, making it easy to set up and adjust to meet your needs.
Find and download the configuration file here: /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.paranoid/mysql-server-5_5.
For more configurations and setup guides, visit our related files section to further customize your system.
/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists\!$
/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-(extra-)?file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in$
/etc/mysql/debian-start\[[0-9]+\]: Checking for crashed MySQL tables\.$
mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: $
mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Version: .* socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306$
mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Warning: Ignoring user change to 'mysql' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line$
mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: started$
usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' GID from `([0-9]+)' to `\1'$
usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' shell from `/bin/false' to `/bin/false'$
Download the raw file with wget or curl
wget -O mysql-server-5_5.example
curl > mysql-server-5_5.example
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