/etc/sysconfig/httpd - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)

This is the default example configuration of httpd provided by Apache. This config file was generated by Apache running on RHEL 7.

It is located under: /etc/sysconfig/httpd

# This file can be used to set additional environment variables for
# the httpd process, or pass additional options to the httpd
# executable.
# Note: With previous versions of httpd, the MPM could be changed by
# editing an "HTTPD" variable here.  With the current version, that
# variable is now ignored.  The MPM is a loadable module, and the
# choice of MPM can be changed by editing the configuration file
# /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf.

# To pass additional options (for instance, -D definitions) to the
# httpd binary at startup, set OPTIONS here.

# This setting ensures the httpd process is started in the "C" locale
# by default.  (Some modules will not behave correctly if
# case-sensitive string comparisons are performed in a different
# locale.)


Config Details

Operating system
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
25 lines
MD5 checksum


Download the raw file with wget or curl


wget -O httpd.example http://exampleconfig.com/static/raw/apache/rhel7/etc/sysconfig/httpd


curl http://exampleconfig.com/static/raw/apache/rhel7/etc/sysconfig/httpd > httpd.example